Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Civil Disobediance Essays - Civil Disobedience, Community Organizing

Civil Disobediance Civil Disobedience I believe that civil disobedience is justified as a method of trying to change the law. I think that civil disobedience is an expression of one's viewpoints. If someone is willing to break a law for what they believe in, more power to them! Civil disobedience is defined as, the refusal to obey the demands or commands of a government or occupying power, without resorting to violence or active measures of opposition (Webster's Dictionary). This refusal usually takes the form of passive resistance. Its usual purpose is to force concessions from the government or occupying power. Civil disobedience has been a major tactic and philosophy of nationalist movements in Africa and India, in the civil rights movement of U.S. blacks, and of labor and anti-war movements in many countries. People practicing civil disobedience break a law because they consider it unjust and hope to call attention to it. In his essay, Civil Disobedience, American author Henry David Thoreau set forth the basic tenets of civil disobedience for the first time. The independence of India in the 1930's was largely a result of the nonviolent resistance by Mohandas Gandhi to the British colonial laws. In the United States, the nonmilitant efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr., helped bring about civil rights legislation. There are numerous examples that illustrate how civil disobedience is justified. In late 1955 Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was jailed for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. I don't blame Parks at all for what she did. The African American people had to take a stand on some issue some where in life. Martin Luther King was soon selected as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association(MIA), the organization that directed a bus boycott prompted by Park's jailing. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year. By late 1956 King was a national figure. These types of civil disobedience are clearly justifiable in my eyes. Everyone should have equal opportunities in life. In 1957 King helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference(SCLC), an organization of black churches and ministers that aimed to challenge racial segregation. King and other leaders encouraged the use of nonviolent marches, demonstrations, and boycotts to protest discri mination. They did this because that was there way of getting the message across. They always had reason to back up their claims or arguments. I could go on and on with examples of civil disobedience displayed by Martin Luther King but there are other conditions from which to discuss. The man who most clearly formulated the concept of civil disobedience for the modern world was Mohandas Gandhi. He was an Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution and whose teachings inspired nonviolent movements. In 1893 Gandhi went to serve as a legal adviser in South Africa. He was appalled at the denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle for elementary rights for Indians. Gandhi remained in South Africa for 20 years, suffering imprisonment many times. In 1896 Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance and noncooperation with the South African authorities. Gandhi considered the terms passive resistance and civil disobedience inadequate for his purposes and coined another term, Satyaqraha (Sanskrit, truth and firmness)(Internet). In 1914 the government of South Africa made important concessions to Gandhi's demands. His work in South Africa was complete so he returned to India. This only being part of Gandhi's work, it is still amazing. I respect the courage and strength he had, to stand up for what he believed in until he received what he was fighting for. His actions were clearly justified. He was fighting for the civil rights of people of his own kind. I admire that man greatly. He is a role model for people to come. Everyone could learn something from his position on violence. The violence was nonexistent. Another great man who justified civil disobedience was American writer, philosopher, and naturalist Henry David Thoreau. In 1846 he performed an act of civil disobedience by choosing to go to jail rather

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Effective Assistance with CV Writing from Career Help Service

Effective Assistance with CV Writing from Career Help Service How to Write a Curriculum Vitae? When a graduate is intending to start a professional career curriculum vitae (CV) is the first thing he/she needs to work on. In situations when you have no prior work experience, your resume is what presents you to the employer and sells you. In contrast, for those, who already have working experience CV is the best way to present themselves to the potential employer  and show their experience and qualifications. Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume You should also understand and know basic differences between a CV and a resume: 1. The biggest difference between them is size. Curriculum Vitae (CV) is generally longer than the resume; as a rule, it consists of several pages, while a resume rarely takes more than one or two pages. 2. The second point where CV and resume differ is content. A resume is a brief summary of your skills, experience, and education. CV provides an employer with more detailed information about you, including past work experience. 3. And the last main difference is their purpose: a CV contains a summary of your education and academic achievements, publications, awards, honors and many other details describing your entire life path. Resume describes what kind of person you are and what skills you have. Curriculum Vitae Writing Here are the main structural elements that need to be included into your CV: Contacts Biography (in brief) Education: Undergraduate, Graduate, Study abroad   Scientific works (Dissertations, Publications, Research etc) Employment   Awards and honors Grants, fellowships, and assistantships Skills: Technical, computer, and language Professional licenses and certifications Memberships Read also:  Critical Success Factors (CSF) Analysis 7 Tips for Creating a Compelling Curriculum Vitae It is strongly recommended to look for some concrete examples of CV or curriculum vitae template before writing your own. You may also find the following tips helpful when creating your CV. You will easily create a successful CV if follow the easy tips: Make a plan and stick to it.  There is no concrete example to write a CV, but there are certain sections you should cover, like those mentioned above. Present it carefully.  A clearly presented CV will do the job for you, and for this reason, the form is very important. Print your CV on crisp white paper, provide clear information and give it proper structure. The hotspot of your CV is the upper third of the first page, and if you put the most important information there, your CV will tell your story. No longer than two pages.  You dont need to write a novel about yourself, be prompt, clear and concise. Employers read many CVs on a daily basis and you need to do your best to convey all the info about yourself in just a few sentences. Make your CV suitable for job description.  When you read about the opening, you will see that the description already contains information of what your employer is interested in. Therefore, if you write your CV with this those requirements in mind, you will have a 100% to get that job. If you do not have some of the required skills, fill in the blanks by the skills you do have or simply mention that you are willing to learn and open to new information. There is no generic CV template that is suitable for all the vacancies, so you will need to tailor your CV to each position you are applying for. It doesnt mean you need to change everything, just change the most critical detail and make sure your CV is relevant to the job description. Mention your best skills.  Besides the skills required by your employer, try to mention those which make you to stand out from the crowd, for instance: communication skills; interpersonal skills; teamwork; problem-solving or even speaking a foreign language. Even if you are good at sports, you can mention it, because it may be important for your employee. Show your interest in work.  Employers obviously look for responsible, persistent and hard-working employees and that’s why it is necessary to mention that you have relevant work experience and you are ready to take initiative and assume responsibility for results. We recommend not to mention passive interests like watching TV, internet surfing etc that can be perceived as your lacking social skills. Show more of your personality. Keep your CV updated.  Dont use the same CV all the time; write down new skills and experience, even if it was volunteering. Many employers will be impressed with your wish to gain certain experience without money. That will show your initiative also. A matter of your CV getting reviewed and approved and your subsequent employment may, of course, be a matter of chance (or even a matter of HR managers mood). Therefore even an impeccably written CV might not work for you. It is evident you need to do your best when writing your resume or CV and the best way to do that is to follow the recommendations which are taken from peoples experience. As a final tip – be persistent when sending out job applications. Experience often shows that out of the 10 applications you sent, 5 will get reviewed and 1-2 will get you to the interview phase. Never give up and you will get the job of your dream. as a CV writing company will be happy to assist you with writing your Curriculum Vitae and sharpen it to reach your employment goal. All you need is provide general information about yourself, mentioning your education, skills and past experiences and our writing expert will weave it into a nicely done curriculum vitae that will impress your future boss! Order your CV now and   will be happy to provide you with unparalleled academic service.